Spinal nerves could be described as the interstate highway system of the human body. It is these nerves that transmit thoughts and other impulses from the brain to other parts of the body, enabling humans to move, walk, run and physically participate in the world around them. They are also responsible for the functioning of […]
In today’s post 9/11 world, it is a common concern for patients with spinal implants to worry about passing through airport security without setting off metal detectors. Spine recently published a study looking at the ability of spinal implants to set off airport metal detectors. Using both a traditional walk-through metal detector and a handheld […]
Check out the new issue of our newsletter! It includes an easy exercise tip for neck pain, as well as a glimpse into what our research team at Georgia Spine has been up to. Newsletter Issue 2
A study in this month’s issue of Spine compared the expectations of the benefits of spine surgery between patients and their surgeons. At the pre-operative appointment, 225 patients and their surgeons individually completed a survey that asked each to describe their “realistic” expectations about the outcome of the surgery. These outcomes included back/neck pain, leg/arm […]
“Doc, what are the chances that the surgery will be successful”? This is one of the most commonly-asked questions by patients who are considering spine surgery. The answer depends on a number of factors, starting with how a “successful surgery” is defined. To keep things simple, let’s assume that a “successful surgery” has: A low […]