The elbows and wrists have several nerves that provide sensation to the arm, wrist, elbow and the finger digits on the hands. Ulnar neuropathy references the ulnar nerve, a nerve that helps provide sensation to the elbow, the wrist and fourth and fifth digits (fingers) on the hand respectively. When this nerve becomes entrapped, damaged […]
Ileana Esquivel is feeling better than ever! She was able to happily celebrate Mother’s Day recently, free of the pain and discomfort that prevented her from reveling in life for almost an entire year. Her debilitating symptoms included low back pain and severe leg pain that prevented her from walking without […]
Objective. To identify early predictors of lumbar spine surgery within 3 years after occupational back injury. Conclusion. Baseline variables in multiple domains predicted lumbar spine surgery. There was a very strong association between surgery and first provider seen for the injury even after adjustment for other important variables. Read entire article here: Early Predictors of […]
With an estimated 65 million people suffering from back pain in the U.S., many will ultimately seek relief using spine surgery. A spine surgery is a major surgery that will require some downtime, healing and possible retreatment if the first intervention is unsuccessful. Preparing for it mentally and physically will be important during the recovery […]