Second Opinions

We Specialize In Second Opinions!


Second opinions timely and convenient

The decision to undergo spinal surgery should never be taken lightly. Not only are there short-term surgical risks, but there are long-term risks, and spinal surgery today could lead to more spinal surgery in the future. Consequently, if you have been told you need spinal surgery (lumbar fusion, cervical fusion, laminectomy, or discectomy) always get a second opinion.

At Georgia Spine & Neurosurgery Center, patients who have been told they need surgery are given priority status and can generally be seen by one of our providers within TWO business days. We do this because we feel many times, surgery is not the best option, and non-surgical treatment options would be more appropriate. In situations where surgery is felt to be appropriate, a better, less invasive option is often available.

If you have been told you need surgery or if surgery has been scheduled, we urge you to consider a second opinion, with us or any other qualified spine surgeon.